Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Mama, I see two dogs..."

So yesterday was Bill's birthday. Happy 26th Dada. So Bill is in Vegas for the weekend and I am home alone with Liam. Hopefully he is going to come back a rich man. Mama needs a trip home. It is probably just that my house is so darn quite right now (Liam is asleep.) but I seriously need a family fix. I did not grow up in a quite house. I don't know what to do with the silence. I always thought I would grow up and live down the street from my parents. (and I assumed this would be in Texas) Life is so strange. I read a quote the other day that keeps playing in my head..."If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans for the future." So true. Who knew that guy from my 9th grade English class would the father of my future son!? (I seriously thought he was cute but most likely did drugs...maybe is was the black nirvana shirts and chain wallet!? LOL!)It is just so strange how things turn out. I miss my family.
Liam and I had a good day though. Aunt Lisa came over to play. We went to lunch and to Art in the Square in Southlake. Good times. Liam got some super cute new flip flops and clothes from Gymboree. He also managed to point out EVERY dog and made me stop so he could get out to pet them. Suddenly he is a real dog lover. It makes me wonder if he was switched at birth with my "real" son. Maybe he gets that from you Tonnie?

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